By now, you know that the 19th Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference is set for September 29-30, 2022, at the William and Mary Law School in Williamsburg, Virginia (register here - space is limited - fee ranges from free to $195 - a bargain!). And you know that our colleague Jim Burling is this year's B-K Prize winner.
But now you know who is speaking at the Conference, and the topics: here's the full agenda. The list of speakers is too long to list here but check out these topics:
- Panel 1: The Importance of Property Rights: A Tribute to James S. Burling
- Panel 2: Reshaping the Framework Protecting Property Under the Roberts Court (that's the panel we're speaking on)
- Roundtable: Emerging Issues in Takings and Property Rights Litigation
- Panel 3: Choosing A Property Regime
- Panel 4: Property Rights in Times of Scarcity and Crisis
Who can resist these subjects? Plan on joining join us in September.
2022 Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference Speaker Panels