Lacking things to read during your shut-down? Well, we have the solution: the Fordham Urban Law Journal has devoted an entire issue to Knick and takings ripeness ("Taking Account: Procedure, Substance, and Stare Decisis in the Post-Knick World").
Our article "Sublimating Municipal Home Rule and Separation of Powers in Knick v. Township of Scott," 47 Fordham Urb. L.J. 509 (2020), leads the way (thank you, editors).
Other articles:
- Ilya Somin and Shelley Ross Saxer, Overturning a Catch-22 in the Knick of Time: Knick v. Township of Scott and the Doctrine of Precedent
- David A. Dana, Not Just a Procedural Case: The Substantive Implications of Knick for State Property Law and Federal Takings Doctrine
- Laura D. Beaton and Matthew D. Zinn, Knick v. Township of Scott: A Source of New Uncertainty for State and Local Governments in Regulatory Takings Challenges to Land Use Regulation
- Dwight Merriam, Rose Mary Knick and the Story of Chicken Little
Read 'em all, let us know what you think.
PS - if you ever consider publishing a piece about municipal and urban law, please give strong consideration to the Fordham Urban Law Journal. Normally, I would not plug "the competition" (I am the editor-in-chief of The Urban Lawyer, the law journal of the ABA's State and Local Government Law Section, which covers some of the same territory). But the Fordham staff made the submission and editing process very easy, and moved forward even after the coronavirus thing threw everyone for a loop. They are located in NYC the epicenter of the crisis, but kept the publication train moving. I am thankful for their efforts.
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