Do you really need an excuse to visit Las Vegas in the interregnum between its brutally hot summers and the winter high season? Probably not.
But if so, here's your opportunity. Plus, you can earn CLE credit.
CLE International is putting on "Eminent Domain 2016: Current and Emerging Issues for Litigators" at Caesar's Palace, September 29-30, 2016.
The Planning Chairs for the program, our colleagues Darius Dynkowski, Autumn Waters, and Kermitt Waters, have assembled a great lineup of topics and speakers, including panels on highway projects, power lines, pipeline takings, and municipal takeovers of local utilities. As if to prove the "international" part of its name, the program will also include a session on " We'll kick off the conference, speaking about "Eminent Domain and Takings Law Update." We're grateful to Darius, Autumn, and Kermitt for asking us to be there.
For the complete agenda go here. Full faculty list here. Register on-line here.
Come, join us.
CLE International - Eminent Domain (Las Vegas, Sep. 29-30, 2016)