Last we checked in, the U.S. District Court for the District of Hawaii has granted the Hawaii Attorney General's request to hold an in-person hearing on the plaintiffs' motions for preliminary relief in the case challenging Governor Ige's COVID-19 related orders (including travel quarantine). Unfortunately, that meant that those of us not able or willing to visit the courthouse in person would not be able to listen in.
Well thank you, Judge, for zagging back, and yesterday opening up the hearing to the public via telephone again. Here's the latest court order, on how today's hearing is going to go:
EO: The Court CONVERTS the hearing on Plaintiffs' 12 Application for Temporary Restraining Order and for Order to Show Cause Why Preliminary Injunction Should Not Issue from an in-person/telephonic hearing to one by video conference.
The courtroom manager will provide participants with instructions and information to connect by video prior to the scheduled video conference.
Participants must connect to the video conference at least ten (10) minutes prior to the scheduled start time of the hearing.
All participants shall mute their lines until directed to speak by the Court.
All attorneys participating in the hearing are directed to refrain from using speaker phones.
The public may attend this conference telephonically with the information provided below:
1. Dial 1-650-479-3207.
2. Enter your Access Code (1607265019)
The Court reminds all participants that everyone is strictly prohibited from recording or broadcasting any hearing, in whole or in part, in any fashion.
(JUDGE JILL A. OTAKE)(shm) (Entered: 07/01/2020)
Join in and listen!For more, see our forthcoming article in the U. Hawaii Law Review, "Hoist the Yellow Flag and Spam® Up: The Separation of Powers Limitation on Hawaii’s Emergency Authority," 43 U. Haw. L. Rev. ___ (forthcoming 2020).