Lawprof Ilya Somin (GMU Law), Mercatus Center's Charles Gardner,
and lawyer Emily Cruikshank Bayonne (Tubman Realty, LLC)
speaking on "How Policy Changes Can Address Incursions on
Property Rights Where Courts Have Failed to do So."
Jim Burling (PLF) moderating.
Recently, we attended a wonderful symposium co-sponsored by George Mason Law School's Journal of Law, Economics & Policy (congratulations to the student editors who ran the show that day), and our outfit Pacific Legal Foundation. Of course, with the subject being "Imagining the Future of Regulatory Takings," how could we resist attending?
If you missed it, it was not recorded unfortunately. But stay tuned for the full published symposium issue which shall include all of the articles and other pieces the speakers presented that day.
PLF's Ethan Blevins kicked off the day by
urging the speakers and the audience to
"make property rights cool again."
Brian Hodges (PLF) and Amy Boulris (Gunster)
on land use conditions, exactions, and unconstitutional conditions.
Circuit Judge (ret.) (and California Supreme Court Justice),
Hon. Janice Rogers Brown presented the keynote address
and responded to participants' questions.
Lawprof Donald Kochan (GMU), Lawprof Adam MacLeod (St. Mary's),
and Sam Spiegelman (Citizen Action Def. Fund)
started the day off with "Fixing the Text -
How We Can Better Approach Regulatory Takings."
Moderator: Judge Andrew Brasher (CA11).
The day's final program was "Takings on the Ground - Applying the
Takings Tests in Challenging Scenarios" with
lawyer William Shadbolt (Washington Bus. Properties Ass'n),
Lawprof Eric Claeys (GMU), and Michael Berger (Manatt) (aka Big Brother).
Moderator: Judge Ryan Holte (Court of Federal Claims).