Here at our law firm, we're getting ready as one of our colleagues prepares to argue the Supreme Court's next takings case in a couple of weeks. Yes, this is what we've alternatively called the "home equity theft" or the "keep the change" case where government seizes property to satisfy the owner's tax debt, and after liquidation of the property and satisfaction of the debt, keeps any excess equity instead of returning the balance to the (former) homeowner.
The case is Tyler v. Hennepin County, No. 22-166, and it's set for argument on the last day of this term's argument calendar, Wednesday, April 26, 2023.
In the meantime you should check out the parties' merits briefs and the beaucoup amici briefs (mostly filed in support of the property owner) on the Court's docket.
But you should also see what others have to say, and how they are viewing the issues. Here are several upcoming programs and an article you might want to check out:
- Deep Dive and Amicus Review: Tyler v. Hennepin County (Pacific Legal Foundation [our firm] April 19, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. EDT/11:00 a.m. PDT)
- Courthouse Steps Preview: Tyler v. Hennepin County (Federalist Society, April 17, 2023, 1pm EDT)
- ABA publishes article by True North Law’s Steve Davis on Upcoming Property-Rights Case at the Supreme Court: Tyler v. Hennepin County (April 11, 2023, via True North Law and the ABA)
Again, because this is one of our firm's cases, I won't be commenting much and will simply point you to resources. (You already know what I think about the case.)