Upcoming Wisconsin Appraisal And Eminent Domain Law Conference
If you have plans to be in Wisconsin or environs in June, the Wisconsin chapter of the Appraisal Institute is putting on its 12th annual Condemnation Appraisal Symposium at the Marquette Law School on Wednesday, June 3, 2015.
One of the featured speakers is Mike Berger on "Current National Eminent Domain Issues," and there will also be presentations about power to take challenges, and thorny appraisal issues, among others.
Here's the description from the event flyer:
The Condemnation Appraisal Symposium is the go-to event of the year for those real estate and legal professionals who are currently engaged, or who wish to be more involved, in eminent domain matters. This high-level program provides the latest information and open debate on condemnation case law, appraisal techniques and other timely topics presented by attorneys, appraisers, educators, and government officials, while again offering valuable networking opportunities with those practitioners active in this specialty area.
Sounds like a great one-day program. Check it out if you can.
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