Get ready to join your colleagues and friends in San Diego for the 42d ALI-CLE Eminent Domain & Land Valuation Litigation Conference.
The 41st Conference was in New Orleans. Here's a report of that event, and here are our reports from prior conferences in Austin and Scottsdale.
Here are some of the highlights of the upcoming Conference:
- Property Rights at the Supreme Court: DeVillier and Sheetz and What's Next
- Slow Take: Possession, Rent, Relocation, and Offset
- The Jury's View: How Jurors See Your Case
- From Penn Coal to Penn Central: How to Prove "Too Far"
- Leveraging Expertise in Eminent Domain Litigation: Working with Land Planners, Engineers, and Other Predicate Experts
- Kelo at Twenty: What Changed, What Didn't, and What's on the Horizon
- Viva Las Vegas: How the Nevada Judiciary Upheld Property Rights in 180 Land's Inverse Condemnation Taking
- Ethics: Guiding the Trolley: Perspectives on Professional Ethics in Eminent Domain for Lawyers, Appraisers, and Right of Way Agents
- "I Think I Shall Never See" Just Compensation For a Tree: Strategies to Securing Recovery for Trees, Crops, and Fixtures
And more. Check out the complete agenda here. Registration information here.
We especially welcome first-time participants, or those returning after an absence. Connect (or reconnect) with your colleagues from across the nation.
Don't miss out: we have had record attendance in recent years, so hold your space now.
Come, join us!