Congratulations to our Pacific Legal Foundation colleague Brian Hodges for his article "Build-to-Rent Homes: A Promising Solution to Chronic Housing Shortages" being awarded the 2024 Jared Shales Prize by the Counselors of Real Estate (CRE).
From the Introduction:
When homeownership is increasingly out of reach for many, build-to-rent (BTR) housing offers a desirable alternative to traditional homeownership. First, BTRs provide flexibility that traditional homeownership cannot match. By renting rather than owning, tenants are free to move around the city or the country as their jobs, family situations or lifestyle decisions dictate. They can enjoy the benefits of urban or suburban living without being tied down to a particular location or property. Second, BTRs are often built to higher standards than traditional rental properties, with modern amenities and communal spaces that foster a community and belonging. These properties are often professionally managed, meaning that tenants can enjoy the benefits of high-quality maintenance and management without the stress and expense of managing a property themselves. And third, BTRs offer a high-quality home without homeownership mortgage and maintenance obligations.Where available, BTRs are quickly becoming a preferred option for many young families, empty-nesters, and itinerant retirees. Yet several local governments, especially in Georgia, have enacted laws banning BTR developments, mainly in response to misplaced NIMBY — not in my backyard — resistance to living alongside renters.
Read the entire piece here, or download the pdf.