Save the date (and time): next Wednesday, March 6, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, as we rejoin our friends and colleagues Patrick McAllister and Beth Smith, as they co-host the Eminent Domain and Right of Way Club.
We'll be joining them to try and answer that question, "What is Inverse Condemnation?" As Patrick and Beth note, "[w]e will find out what it is, how it works and when does it happen....and probably a lot more." Sounds intriguing.
For those of you who may not have participated in one of these sessions before, you may be wondering "what is this 'Clubhouse' thing?" Here's the description, straight from their site:
The Eminent Domain & Right of Way Club is on the Clubhouse Drop in audio app. This Club is geared toward right of way professionals & anyone interested in the acquisition of land rights for infrastructure projects.
In short, it is a smartphone-only app, that connects participants to an audio-only chat room, where you informally hang out and listen to Pat and Beth speak with a guest, followed by a moderated open-mic (again, audio) chat room. Having participated before, we can say it is a very informal, friendly, and collegial venue to learn and discuss things. No pressure, no big whoop. It's just talk.
Come give it a try!