Are there going to be prizes at the 2022 ALI-CLE Eminent Domain and Land Valuation Litigation Conference, January 26-29, 2022 at the McCormick Ranch Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona? Oh yes.
But to win, you gotta play. To play, you first gotta join us and register (more info here), preferably in-person in Scottsdale, or via our live webcast (either the whole shebang, or ala carte). After you register, next step is to make your own bingo card (or you can use our card, above). To make your own, download the MS Word template here (ALI-CLE 2022 Bingo card BLANK.docx).
Then open the doc and from the suggested list of entries, cut-and-paste into the blank squares (all but the center, which is a freebie).
(click the pic if it is too small to be viewed on your screen)
You are not bound by these suggested entries and may include your own.
When all squares are filled in, hit "print." Bring your card or cards with you to the Conference in January.
What are the prizes, you ask? You gotta play to find out.