You've got big dreams, you want fame...
If so, here's your chance: two (2!) Takings Maven Dream Jobs® are now available.
Pacific Legal Foundation requesting applications for positions as a Property Rights Constitutional Litigator. Job description includes "You will find and win the next important Supreme Court property rights case."
Oh, have we got your attention now?
You: An entrepreneurial freedom fighter with a passion for, and significant experience in, property rights litigation. You find and win cutting-edge property rights cases across the country. You are a national spokesperson for property rights—you speak at conferences, engage the media, and publish scholarship on property rights. You are a leader who will elevate PLF’s junior attorneys to be the best property rights litigators in the nation. You have demonstrated a dedication to public interest law and property rights throughout your career....Sound good? We made the jump earlier this year, now you can join in the fun.You will be a leader in PLF’s Property Rights Practice Group. From Nollan to Koontz to Knick to Cedar Point Nursery, PLF’s property rights litigation is unparalleled. (If you can’t describe these four cases without checking your notes, do not apply!) You will find and win the next important Supreme Court property rights case. Your ideas will help shape PLF strategy by identifying and litigating emerging property rights theories. And you will be recognized as a nationwide leader on property rights: giving speeches, attending conferences, appearing on radio and television, and publishing op-eds and scholarly articles on property rights.
You will also be a key contributor to PLF’s property rights practice group. You will work on teams with junior and senior attorneys, providing your expertise and knowledge and elevating the talent and skill of our attorneys. You will have the latitude to think big and the resources to execute. You will be at the forefront of shaping property rights for all Americans.
In a nutshell, we’re seeking someone who’s passionate about liberty and property rights, someone who is confident and magnanimous, and someone who is a bold and relentless freedom fighter.
You love coffee, and as we know, coffee is for closers!
More here, including application information and deadline.