If you're in Honolulu and missed the Brigham-Kanner Conference at the William and Mary Law School in Williamsburg, Virginia in October, here's your chance for a make-up date. We just received this invitation from the Hawaii State Bar Association's Real Property and Financial Services Section (Prof Callies is a past Chair of the Section, by the way):
RPFSS Section members are invited to attend a reception for Professor David Callies as the recipient of the 2017 Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Prize. The 2017 Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Prize is presented annually to a scholar, practitioner, or jurist whose work affirms the fundamental importance of property rights. The reception will be held on Wednesday, December 6, 2017 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. at the William S. Richardson School of Law, Law Library. Please see the attached invitation and RSVP to Dana Lum ([email protected]) by December 5, 2017. Congratulations Professor Callies!
If you're in town, come on up to the Law School and celebrate.
More here on the award of the B-K Prize to Professor Callies.
Brigham-Kanner Prize Reception Invitation, Honolulu (Dec. 6, 2017)