Here are the links from today's session on "They'll Take My Big Gulp From My Cold Dead Hands - Public Health, the Police Power, and the Nanny State" at the ABA Midyear meeting in Chicago.
Joining me was Sarah Conly, Professor of Philosophy at Bowdoin College, author of "Against Autonomy: Justifying Coercive Paternalism;" Alderman George Cardenas, who represents Chicago's 12th Ward; and Walter Olson, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute's Center for Constitutional Studies, and guru of the "Overlawyered" blog.
And was it cold out today, you ask? Affirmative.
And finally, here's that John Waters clip that started us off.
- Three Cheers for the Nanny State (Professor Sarah Conly's NYT op-ed).
- Three cheers for autonomy (Walter Olson's Overlawyered).
- The Complete List of Everything Banned by Mayor Michael Bloomberg (Gizmodo).
- The New York Appellate Division decision upholding the trial court's invalidation of New York City's regulations about big sodas.
- The Chicago ordinance to restrict sale of tobacco products to those under 21.
- Is obesity the next smoking? (
- Banning the Big Gulp Ban (an op-ed from the NYT).
- Bill Would Require Cell Phones to Have Warning Labels (Honolulu Civil Beat).
- A unique twist on gun buyback - toy guns (SF Chronicle).
- Is Anyone On The Hook If A Volcano Gawker Ends Up In Trouble? ("Common Sense and Common Law - Who Does The Balancing of Social Utility," our missive on the issue of personal responsibility and tort law).
- The nanny state turns nasty (vis
- What's Wrong with Paternalism and the "Nanny State" (Psychology Today).
- Against Autonomy: Justifying Coercive Paternalism (2013) (Prof. Conly's book, via Amazon).
- Nudges vs. Shoves (a draft article by lawprof Cass Sunstein, via SSRN).