Just published: the ABA Section of Litigation (Condemnation, Zoning, and Land Use Committee) has released The Law of Eminent Domain -- A Fifty State Survey (First Chair Press 2012). This book is a "single resource for eminent domain practitioners ... a reference for questions about eminent domain and condemnation procedure in every state and the District of Columbia." It's a handy desk reference for how common issues in eminent domain are handled in each jurisdiction. Each state chapter covers the same topics:
- Who is Eligible to Condemn?
- What can be Condemned?
- The Condemnation Proceedings
- Procedure to Challenge Condemnation
- Inverse Condemnation
- Just Compensation Issues
- How are Various Ownership Interests Treated?
- Abandonment
- Attorney's Fees and Costs
We authored the Hawaii chapter. Our Owners' Counsel of America colleague Bill Blake served as the editor, and many of our friends and colleagues from across the nation authored their state's chapter. It's a great reference guide. Combine it with the Handbook of Condemnation Law (ABA Section of State & Local Gov't Law 2011), and you've got the two essential guides for your desktop.
Order your copy here. Discounts for Section members, and for volume purchases.