We've been kind of busy in the last few days with a couple of appellate briefs, so haven't had a lot of time to post up the latest cases and articles of interest. But here's what we are reading today, in between brief writing:
- Hawaii Supreme Court Nominees Will Be Public - Courthouse News Services writes about the case in which we represent the Star-Advertiser in its case to compel the governor to publicly disclose the lists of judicial nominees he receives from the Judicial Selection Commission. More on the case here. The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press also reported on the story here.
- Beyond "NIMBY" - a post on Legal Planet, a blog produced by enviro lawprofs, advocates that we abandon the term NIMBY. I like "I GOT MINE."
- Reason hit & run posts John Paul Stevens: Kelo Was No Big Deal. Then why you keep bringing it up, Your Honor? Gideon Kanner responds. Come on, you know you want to click that link.
- From Patty Salkin's Law of the Land Blog, the latest in the vested rights issue: Oregon Supreme Court Examines Vested Rights and Holds Bad Faith Cannot be Considered in Measure 49 Calculation.
- Via Julie Tappendorf's Municipal Minute blog: Sewer Tax Discrimination Case to be Decided by Supreme Court. This is a case to follow, and we will be posting the cert petition in that case shortly.