They say as you get older, you begin to forget birthdays (I know it's true for me). So I guess it should not be surprising that August 31 passed without fanfare, and only today did I remember that five years ago I uploaded the first posts on this blog.
In law blog years, that's quite a while.
If you can't already tell by the nearly 1,500 items posted in the intervening time, I enjoy doing this. Even even though it can be a lot of work, it's rewarding. Mostly because of the readers, subscribers, and contributors whom this blog has allowed me to meet and get to know.
Because doing this in a vacuum would not be worthwhile, I'd like to recognize my fellow-travelers -- those other law bloggers who, like me, make the time to share thoughts about the legal issues of the day. Although you're not quite "Real Men [and Women] of Genius," today we salute you, Mr. Law Blog Blogging Guy (and Gals):