The "reporter-hosts" at Honolulu Civil Beat are doing a very valuable public service by putting on an event this Thursday focusing on the Hawaii State Bar Association's role in judicial nominations. Featured speakers are Hugh Jones (current HSBA president), and Michael Lilly (former State Attorney General). It's open to the public.
The recent unqualified rating for Supreme Court Chief Justice nominee Katherine Leonard placed the Hawaii State Bar Association's review process under intense scrutiny. In Hawaii Bar Association’s Secrecy Under Fire, Civil Beat Land Reporter-Host Michael Levine asked questions about the review process itself. "Why so last-minute? Why no results? And why no rationale?"We will be hosting our next Beatup to discuss the role of the bar association in the judicial nomination process. Key thought leaders on the topic will speak about what was learned from the Leonard nomination and how the bar association might consider changing its approach. As always, the audience will be active participants in the discussion.
Despite the name for these gatherings -- "beatups" -- they are actually quite civil, and unlike staged town-hall type meetings, productive. More details, including RSVP information, here.