If you're heading to the ABA annual meeting later this week in Chicago, I'll be (mostly) at the Section of State & Local Government Law sessions. Stop by an say hello -- I'll probably be the guy in the back of the room on his netbook.
He also serves as the Joseph T. Waldo Visiting Chair in Property Rights Law at the William & Mary Law School in Williamsburg, Virginia.
email | bio | publications
The Law of Eminent Domain - A Fifty State Survey (ABA 2011)
Eminent Domain - A Handbook of Condemnation Law (ABA 2011)
At the Cutting Edge 2009: Land Use Law from The Urban Lawyer (D. Merriam, ed. 2010)
Recent Developments in Public Use and Pretext in Eminent Domain, 41 Urban Lawyer 563 (Oct. 2009)
The Ninth Circuit Rediscovers Substantive Due Process in Land Use Cases (Dec. 2008)
Battle For Brooklyn (Rumur Films 2011)
The Complete Guide to Zoning by Dwight H. Merriam (2005)
The Kauai Property Tax Charter Amendment Case (KKCR FM 92.7)
Legal and Other Issues In Honolulu's Rail Project (Think Tech Hawaii, KIPO FM 89.3)
Governor's Announcement of Judge Sabrina McKenna as Associate Justice, HAWSCT (1/25/2011)
Must A Property Owner Seek To Change The Law To Ripen A Federal Takings Claim? (HAWICA, 12/8/2010)
Justice Recktenwald Senate Hearing (8/25/2010)
Judge Leonard Senate Hearing (8/3/2010)
New Jersey's "Bizarre Condemnation" - Klumpp v. Borough of Avalon (NJ Supreme Court, 3/22/2010)
Columbia Eminent Domain Oral Arguments (NY Court of Appeals 6/1/2010)
Turtle Bay/Kuilima Supplemental EIS case (HAWSCT, 12/17/2009)
Atlantic Yards eminent domain abuse (NY Court of Appeals, 10/14/2009)
Ala Loop Homeowners: are state zoning laws "environmental" statutes (HAWSCT, 10/14/2009)
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