Since 1998, the Hawaii Supreme Court Law Library has been very good about posting the opinions and orders of the Hawaii appellate courts (Supreme Court and Intermediate Court of Appeals) on line, usually within hours of their filing with the Clerk's office. The site is an invaluable public resource.
However, unless you visit the site constantly, there is no way to keep up with what is posted: there is no official RSS feed, or any way to subscribe so that you are notified when opinions are published. To try and fill that void, we've created a new blog, "Hawaii Appellate Opinions."
Nothing fancy, just an unofficial list -- without commentary -- of the opinions, copied from the law library's site, along with a RSS feed where you can subscribe to receive notification when new opinions are published. We'll make every effort to keep current and update the feed as often as possible, but please remember that we're practicing lawyers, and this isn't automated. What we're trying to say is that we'll do our best to keep up, but we're not guaranteeing the timeliness (or accuracy) of the feed. If you want it straight from the source, you can continue to visit the law library's site.
The blog and the feed are limited to majority and dissenting opinions, and we won't be posting links to orders or Summary Dispositions, just items the courts release "For Publication in West's Hawaii Reports and Pacific Reporter." In other words, the good stuff.
Hope you find it useful.