No 27225 (March 19, 2009)
Opinion pdf
Plaintiff-Appellant Martin David Schiller (Martin) appeals from the following orders and decrees filed in the Family Court of the First Circuit (family court)...On appeal, Martin argues the following points of error:
(1) In a May 4, 2004 Memorandum Opinion, the Intermediate Court of Appeals {this court or ICA) specifically vacated Findings of Fact (FOFs) 28 and 46 through 52 and Conclusion of Law (COL) 3 of the family court's November 21, 2002 Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (11/21/02 FOFs/COLs). Nevertheless, the family court erroneously "reissued" every one of the vacated FOFs and the vacated COL in its June 15, 2005 Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (6/15/05 FOFs/COLs) as FOFs 34, 54 through 56, 62, and 65 through 68 and COL 4. Therefore, of the 6/15/05 FOFs/COLs, FOFs 34, 54 through 56, 62, and 65 through 68 are clearly erroneous and COL 4 is wrong.
(2) The family court erred by deviating from Hawai'i's Marital Partnership Principles and awarding Defendant-Appellee Janet Louise Schiller (Janet) a disproportionately large share of the marital property of Janet and Martin (collectively, the parties) without identifying any valid and relevant considerations (VARCs) that would justify such a deviation. Related to this argument is Martin's contention that FOFs 10, 13 through 18, 20 through 22, 25 through 30, 33, 34, 36, 40 through 42, 45 through 49, 51 through 57, 61, 72, 73, 75, 78 through 80, 84 through 86, 88 through 92, 94, 96 through 105, 113, 115, 117, 131, 138, and 141 through 143 are clearly erroneous and COLs 5, 7 through 9, 12, 19 through 23, 26, and 28 are wrong.
(3) Martin's interest in California commercial real estate, which we will refer to as "Garnet," is marital separate property, not subject to equitable distribution. Related to this argument is Martin's claim that FOF 131 is clearly erroneous and COL 26 is wrong. He argues in the alternative that even if the family court were correct that Garnet was not marital separate property, the court nevertheless erred in classifying it as Category 5 property, when it would be Category 3 property. Martin requests that this court set aside in pertinent part and/or modify the August 7, 2001 Minute Order; Order Re 2/22/02 Motion for Reconsideration; original Divorce Decree; Order Upon Remand; Order Denying 12/30/04 Motion for Reconsideration; and First Amended Divorce Decree to reflect the appropriate division of the parties' property and the equalization of payment described in Martin's opening brief.
FOFs 117 and 131 and COL 26 and any portion of the (1) May 21, 2002 "Order Regarding Plaintiff's Motion for Reconsideration Filed on February 22, 2002"; (2) July 25, 2002 "Order Denying Plaintiff's Second Motion for Reconsideration Filed May 31, 2002"; (3) August 6, 2002 "Decree of Absolute Divorce"; (4) December 20, 2004 "Order Upon Remand"; (5) March 8, 2005 "Order Denying Plaintiff's Motion for Reconsideration Filed December 30, 2004"; (6) June 15, 2005 "Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law"; and (7) April 1, 2005 "First Amended Decree of Absolute Divorce" based on FOFs 117 and 131 and COL 26, including the family court's division and distribution of the Marital Partnership Property, are vacated, and this case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
Any portions of the above (1) "Order Regarding Plaintiff's Motion for Reconsideration Filed on February 22, 2002"; (2) "Order Denying Plaintiff's Second Motion for Reconsideration Filed May 31, 2002"; (3) "Decree of Absolute Divorce"; (4) "Order Upon Remand"; (5) "Order Denying Plaintiff's Motion for Reconsideration Filed December 30, 2004"; (6) "Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law"; and (7) "First Amended Decree of Absolute Divorce" unrelated to FOFs 117 and 131 and COL 26 are affirmed and shall not be disturbed on remand. [footnotes omitted]