No. 27940 (June 30, 2008)
Opinion [pdf]
This appeal arises out of a divorce proceeding in the Family Court of the First Circuit (family court) between Defendant-Appellant Jane Doe (Defendant or Mother) and Plaintiff-Appellee John Doe (Plaintiff or Father) and custody issues involving the daughter (Daughter) of Mother and Father. Mother appeal from the following two orders:
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On appeal, Mother argues that the family court erred by denying her Motion for Partial Reconsideration and, therefore, the family court's FOFs 51 and 52 are erroneous and its COLs 28 and 29 are wrong for the following reasons:
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The [Orders] are reversed with respect to the family court's findings and conclusions that Mother acted as a team parent and the family court's restrictions on Mother's access to the record in the instant case. We affirm the two orders in all other respects. [footnote omitted]